Weight Loss Surgery

Meet the team

“I can do things you cannot; you can do things I cannot. Together, we can do great things.”

Mother Theresa

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”

Henry Ford

Acknowledging and understanding my own limitations, I would be nowhere today without my fantastic team around me – from Claire (my PA), Sam (my Specialist Nurse) to Dr Kamran Abbas (Consultant Anaesthetist) and Skevi (my Surgical Assistant). They truly share my vision and work to the same high standards and expectations.

Most importantly, they are there for you as the patient often going “above and beyond” to support you throughout your journey with great care and empathy. I would trust them with my own health!

Surgical Specialist

Alan Li Weight Loss Surgery Manchester

Alan Li

Consultant Upper GI, Laparoscopic & Robotic, Weight Loss & Bariatric Surgeon

Specialist Bariatric Nurse

Samantha Dickson

07950 447 490

I qualified as a staff nurse from the prestigious Queens University Belfast in 2001 and began my career in colorectal and upper GI (gastro-intestinal) surgery at an NHS hospital in Dundonald, Northern Ireland. I returned to Queens University in 2005 to complete my BSc Hons in Health studies, specialising in wound care/tissue viablity and palliative care. I then spent over 4 years working in hospice care, where I was afforded the opportunity to learn and practice to a high standard of holistic, individualised patient-focused care.

In May 2009 I began working at a private clinic in Holywood, Northern Ireland, looking after patients undergoing cosmetic and plastic surgery. It was here that I took on the opportunity to train and work as a bariatric nurse specialist and my love affair of lifestyle medicine and weight loss management began and continues to evolve to this day. Over the past 15 years I have worked in the private sector, beginning in Northern Ireland and Ireland, and in June 2015 my work took me to England, where I now reside. This included bariatric care for both private and NHS patients going through their journey.

I have a keen interest in health and wellbeing, possibly why bariatric surgery interests me so much. It never ceases to amaze me how weight loss surgery can have such an immense, positive impact on patient’s’ lives and also the lives of their families. I feel very privileged to be part of people’s weight loss and well being journey.

I have worked with Alan Li for the past 15 years. I enjoy working with him because of his patient centred approach, vast experience and understanding that teamwork is an essential component in patient care. There is no such thing as a one-man band.

When not at work I am kept busy on my smallholding, looking after our sheep, chickens, pigs, ducks and cats. I love being in nature, cooking, fermentation, sourdough baking and all things to do with gut health. I am passionate about learning all things about health, nutrition, and wellbeing and passing on that knowledge. I am a qualified yoga teacher, currently enjoying exploring my own practice.

PA / Secretary

Claire Jenkinson

07851 980 363

I left college after passing my AMSPAR Medical Secretary Diploma in 1988.
My first job was working as a medical secretary for two GPs in a busy medical centre in the Altrincham area where I worked for several years. I was then employed at a specialist medical negligence law firm and was PA to the head of the clinical negligence department, a role which I did for 11+ years.

I did however miss medicine and patient contact and I was lucky enough to find a job as a PA in the private sector. I have worked for Mr Alan Li for 15 years now and cannot see myself doing anything else. I really enjoy the bariatric and general/upper GI specialty. With the bariatric work, we look after our patients for 2 years and during this time I get to know our patients and I really enjoy building that rapport with them. There is nothing more rewarding than when a patient shares their weight loss journey with the team and sends photos to show us their results. It honestly makes me so happy.

My personal interests include pilates which I have been doing for approx. 12 years, (absolutely love it and nothing gets in the way of it!) and exercising at the gym; walking & getting my bicycle out; cooking (when I am not just cooking for myself); socialising with friends and family; film and the cinema; history and historical reading.